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Please: be motivated to
protest against the closing
of All India Radio shortwave
service until 31.12.2016
00.00 local Delhi Time
E V E R Y C L I C K I S H E L P F U L !!!
Sunday the 15. May our chief-Editor will send an e-mail Letter to Shri F. Sheheryar, the Director General of
From the past we know very well that in such a case the receiver of the letter do check the website of the sender.
For that reason it is a big help, if you and your friends
are clicking -these next 4 days- until the deadline everyday a few of our blog entries or a subpage. Every click counts, no worry !
In the mentioned Protest-Letter we write basicly: All India Radio is urgent for the whole residents of Asia and Africa.
Look here for the comments to this vid.: AIR National Ch.
Support is needed for that such a loss like the closing of the shortwave service of All India Radio can be avoided.
Let us fight together against this stupid idea of a few politicians. Shortwave Radio is not only in case of emergency, but every day an enrichment and an happy part of the time for uncounted millions of people which haven't access to the internet. A cheap shortwave radio is for 90% of the population in Africa, most parts of Asia and a lot of islands t h e only and only information source. On the other hand, India is a true democracy - so in the opinion of our team it is really important: India have to have an Overseas Service/External Service.
Thank you for your kind help, dear Visitors !!
Please forward the link to this Blog entry in case of A.I.R. to your friends and collegues .... thank you again. The community of all shortwave Listeners together is strong enough to change the attitude of indian politicians, we hope!
Thank you again ! The team of
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OXFORD SHORTWAVE LOG is our greatest supporter:
our own mail-address for Link-Wishes, etc.:
add by T.L.Breyel:
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OXFORD SHORTWAVE LOG is our greatest supporter:
our own mail-address for Link-Wishes, etc.:
add by T.L.Breyel:
All India Radio Ahmedabad (Akashvani Ahmedabad) in Gujarat (India) was logged on 11 May 2016. Indian classical music of a drum ensemble, followed by news in English and Hindi was heard from 17.05 till 17.40 UTC (11.35 pm till 12.10 am, India time). Reception on the medium-wave frequency of 648 kHz was (SINPO) 33422 or weak to fair with clear audio when not fading (every 4 to 5 minutes), Co-channel QRM from Taiwan and Thailand stations prevented reception of Akashvani Ahmedabad before 17.00 UTC.
Reception report, along with an audio file, was emailed to Akashvani Ahmedabad and Spectrum Management shortly after transmission closed. A letter to Spectrum Management followed a day later.
Reception report, along with an audio file, was emailed to Akashvani Ahmedabad and Spectrum Management shortly after transmission closed. A letter to Spectrum Management followed a day later.