Very nice to hear such a nice signal from Iran before dark on the latest DXpedition. Note the slightly noisy background, but prominent target signal because I've used the wide filter and SYNC to take advantage of the excellent signal strength on a crowded band, before switching over to narrow. Thank you, dear Clint! H.B.
EU DXing-Blog (multi lingual multi-media) is dedicated to the monitoring of AM-, shortwave-, LW-, FM- and TV broadcastings = DX ---- Dies ist ein multimedialer mehrsprachiger Blog, gewidmet dem TV- und Rundfunk DX. > Sponsored u.a. by: Klaus P. Puth, RMRC, Clint Gouveia, Greg White, Rob W., und Ratzer Fernempfang.
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IRIB Teheran 9665 khz today
Very nice to hear such a nice signal from Iran before dark on the latest DXpedition. Note the slightly noisy background, but prominent target signal because I've used the wide filter and SYNC to take advantage of the excellent signal strength on a crowded band, before switching over to narrow. Thank you, dear Clint! H.B.